Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Process with an ID #### is not running on Visual Studio 2015

When I installed both Visual Studio 2013 and 2015 on my computer,  and use 2013 to open my visual studio web project and doing my test/run at first without problem, and then use 2015 to open the same project and choose to debug, there is error "Process with an ID #### is not running" on Visual Studio 2015. I google the issue and there is following solution:

  1. Delete the \Documents\IISExpress folder using the following console command:
  2. Delete the applicationhost.config file which is placed within the \.vs\Config\ folder in your Visual Studio project root folder.
I tried both and the issue is gone. I think it's because 2013 had created some files which was used by 2015 but have issues.


Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Git Bitbucket Stage VS Unstage

According to Johannes Kilian, "the staging area is a container where git collects all changes which will be part of the next commit". Inside bitbucket, when you staging the file, you put the uncommited file into the staging area. "The next git commit will transfer all items from staging into your repository".

When you have multiple bugs to be fixed, you don't want to commit all your changes, you select the code you want to commit and do staging them. Through this way you will have a clean commit specific for one bug.

You can choose complete files, hunks (part of one file), or single line for staging.
